Make a Difference. Donate to California DI.
Your tax-deductible donation will bring The DI program to more California students!
There are 3 Ways to Donate!
1 Donate with a Credit Card
2 Donate by Check
Make the check out to California Destination Imagination.
Mail Check to:
CA Destination Imagination, 14843 Priscilla St., San Diego CA 92129
3 Join the Golden Bear Society
Why Become a Golden Bear Society Member?
Being a member of The Golden Bear Society is a way for you to join our community where we share a deep love of creativity and helping children build their confidence through teamwork, curiosity, and wonder. Membership starts at just $250. 100% of every dollar contributed goes directly to supporting our annual projects, which are designed to enhance and expand the core values of the Destination Imagination program here in California.
This year’s fundraising campaign will directly fund the following projects and programs -
Continuing to enhance CALDI’s social media presence.
Expanding our Summer Camp program into an in-person event in all four Regions of the state including scholarships for several campers.
Allowing participation in educational conferences as both an exhibitor and as a session presenter. Our specific focus this year will be on Home School conferences.
Enhancing and expand our Alumni Relations program.
Increasing CALDI’s scholarship program.
Partnering with the Cardosi Legacy Fund to support teams throughout the State.
As a member, you will be partnering with us and contributing to the extraordinary experience we call Destination Imagination. Your gift will help us bring the DI experience into more children’s lives throughout California. As a bonus, you will also receive exclusive member-only benefits, such as VIP treatment at our State/Affiliate Tournament and other special recognitions.
Your membership, at any level, makes an incredible difference! Please consider joining The Golden Bear Society to help us grow and expand the reach of quality programs to our community of creative kids.
If you donate and if your corporation matches your personal donation, your “Incentive” category will match the total given from both you and your company. The company will also receive tax credit for its donation – a double win!
The Golden Bear Society Incentives Categories
Enjoy all the incentives of the prior tiers.
Be our guest at the Affiliate Tournament (2 night stay)
Be our guest at the post-Tournament dinner!
All incentives in the prior tiers.
Be our guest at the Affiliate Tournament with a one night stay.
The honor of medal draping rights during Closing Ceremonies.
Enjoy a full set of the highly coveted Affiliate trading pins that teams will be taking to Global Finals as well as enjoying all the benefits of prior tiers.
VIB (Very Important Bear) seating at the Affiliate Tournament along with perks in the prior tier.
Newsletters for donors with updates on teams, Meet the Regional Directors (RD’s) and Affiliate Challenge Masters (ACM’s) section, focus on teams with personal stories, graduating seniors and Alumni, and updates on our exciting end of the season State/Affiliate tournament.
Black Bear Pin.
Special mailed invitation to Affiliate Tournament.
Special California Creativity Thank You Gift.
Additional Special Golden Bear Society Incentive Categories
Life-time Membership
$10,000 one-time donation or a total donation (cumulative years) of $15,000. Receive Life-time membership in the Golden Bear Society, as well as Platinum Bear incentives for life.
The Golden Paw Award
Awarded to individuals who have maintained Society Membership for five consecutive years. Golden Paws are the pillars which keep our program financially strong for future generations of DI participants. These members will receive an invitation to the Affiliate Tournament luncheon as well as special acknowledgement in the Affiliate program and on the website. Special Golden Paw lapel pin will also be awarded to 5 year donors.
Thank you for your support!
Neil & Genee McMahon
Golden Bear-
Allan Lam
Kodiak Bear-
Elizabeth Flores
Shirley Gold
Gary & Kathy McBride
Allison Waltberg
Johann Waltberg
Beverly Webb
Sean Xiang Wu
Grizzly Bear -
Mia Dodson
Schinthia Islam
Pete Koss
Jim McCarthy
Christopher & Karen Pohl
Celeste Shirvani
Black Bear -
Richard Chen
Kay Dobbertin
Jordan Goldstein
Jeannie LaCues
Pacific Life Insurance Co.
Diane Swint
Jennifer Timm
Jeff & Trudy Waldron
Stephanie Yeo

Are you looking for more ways to get involved?
Talk to your friends, teachers, school administrators, neighbors, and relatives about the benefits of DI, from teamwork to problem solving to creativity!
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