Teams will receive deductions if interference is observed from any person outside the team.

In the Destination Imagination Challenge Experience, one of our most valuable components is our Interference policy. Kids must work together as a team to solve their Challenge without any input or ideas from others, including Team Managers, parents, and friends. In doing this, kids learn how to problem-solve and make  compromises, become more independent, and gain confidence and self-esteem. 

As a Team Manager, there will probably be moments during your team meetings when you are watching your team members come up with ideas or build something for their Challenge solution and think, “that’s not going to work.” However, it’s important for them to face challenges on their own and to experience setbacks to better position themselves for success in the future.  

In Destination Imagination, we believe failure is something to be embraced, not feared! By teaching kids to embrace their mistakes and to reflect on the process, they can see what went wrong, make changes, and try again. 

California Creativity takes this policy very seriously. We know that this is a competition, but at the end of the day, Teams should ONLY advance if they have done the work. Teams that have been identified as breaking the Interference rule will be warned once. If the Interference continues, an unsportsmanlike conduct deduction will be given to the team. This could result in the Team being ineligible for the next level of Tournament competition.

Adults, Team Managers, Parents, Family and Friends MAY NOT do the following:

• Suggest what to buy.

• Sew, paint, cut or anything else that solves the Challenge.

• Give the Team ANY ideas on how to solve the Challenge or generate ideas.

• Suggest tools or skills to solve the Challenge.

• Analyze and give reasons WHY something did not work.

• Choosing their Team Challenge, Team name or make decisions on how to solve.

• Researching.

• Managing their project timeline.

• Designing and building their solution or repairing any solutions or props.

• Managing their budget.

• Solving conflicts.

• Fixing props/solutions day of tournament.

Ways people CAN help the team:

• Putting on makeup/costumes, fixing hair.

• Purchase items the Team has requested.

• Transport the Team to practices.

• Feed the Team! Snacks are essential!

• Teach the Team a skill such as sewing and then allow them to create their final solution.

• Transport props to Tournament. You MAY help move props on Tournament Day at the discretion of the Team.

• Transport the Team to yard sales and local thrift stores to find “treasures”.

• Take the Team on Field trips when they are researching their solution.

• Run Instant Challenges at every practice.

• Ask lots and lots of open ended questions when the Team is working on their solution.

• Be the Team’s biggest cheering squad!

We believe in your Team!

We believe they are capable of great things!

Remember, your team’s solution is the teams alone!

Watch this short video to learn more about our Interference policy!